Quick Lemon Pickle / இவ்வளவு சுலபமா – எலுமிச்சை ஊறுகாய் செய்வது ?
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# Quick lemon pickle # எலுமிச்சை ஊறுகாய்
Lemon pickle : Lemon -6 numbers , salt -1 1:2 Tbl.sp , Red chilli powder , Fenugreek powder , Turmeric powder , oil , Mustard seeds , Asafoetida , Fenugreek seeds
Thank you mam….. I bought lemons yesterday for pickle… I will try this method
I tried it comes out well. Super. Quick pickle yennakum seiyatheriyuthe….happy…
Thank you for your feedback
Followed your recipe to the T.Pickle was very tasty and reminded me of the pickle we taste in marriages
I have never tried lemon pickles but this makes me want to.
Thank you mam.very useful.
Thanks mam
Thank you mam.
I tried this method mam. Came out well. I used by kept in refrigerator for 2 months. Thank u …
Thanks for giving this easiest pickle mam.
I tried this mam. very very tasty .Thank you mam
Thank u so much amma
Super !!
Thank u mam
Nice and useful recipe. Thanks
Very useful recipe Mam 😁👍
Super mam kandipa try panuven thank you
Lime rice is the best food for working women.
அருமை 👍😍 நன்றி